Bank of Holly Springs

County discusses ROW crews not removing limbs

The Marshall County Board of Supervisors said they are receiving complaints from citizens that the right-of-way crew working for the Holly Springs Utility Department is leaving limbs down on the roadsides and ditches.

District 2 supervisor Johnny Walker said debris is being left in the ditches by the company that is cutting trees.

“Nothing is being done about it,” Walker said. “It’s a bunch of them on Taska Road.” Board attorney Amanda Whaley Smith said there are complaints about HSUD leaving the limbs in the road ditches – debris laying everywhere.

“The residents want to cut (lawns) to the road,” she said. “They tore down a fence on Red Banks Road and cows got out.”

She said the county needs to explore what its options are. Walker said the limbs have been in the ditches six months. “The same thing on Red Banks Road on my end,” District 1 supervisor Charles Terry said. “It has been over a year that we asked them to pick it up.” He said it is not the county’s responsibility to pick up behind someone who has a contract.

District 3 supervisor Keith Taylor made a motion to send a letter to the Holly Springs Utility Department.

Terry requested and the board approved speed limit signs and three sets of speed bumps to be set between Beverly Lane and Red Banks Road because of speeding problems causing a danger to motorists especially when coming under a hill.

He then requested the county enter an agreement with Slaughter & Associates to update the county zoning ordinances, which he said could run from $20,000 to $25,000. He said a comprehensive plan could cost between $45,000 and $65,000.

Board attorney Amanda Whaley Smith said the county is in the process of putting its zoning ordinances online, a service the county is already paying monthly for.

Terry made a motion to start the rezoning process before the comprehensive planning begins.

Smith said the county is not rezoning but just updating the ordinances.

Terry withdrew his motion. “On truck stops?” Zinn asked.

“Yes, an appeal with circuit court,” Smith said. “I just spoke with the attorney for the service station. There is a new law July 1. Hopefully, we have help on the horizon.”

Zinn praised road manager Mario Jeffries for replacing a blown out nine-inch culvert on O’dell Road.

“He put it back together in three days. Outstanding work,” Zinn said.

Taylor asked the county administrator to get all vehicles in the county labeled. Some are and some are not.

Zinn said county engineer Larry Britt was asked to see what progress is being made on replacing a bridge on French Road.

Chancery clerk Nicole Phelps requested travel for justice court judges Cathy Brittenum and Mae Garrison to travel to summer conference in July. She also asked it be spread on the minutes that Brittenum just completed 12.5 hours of certification coursework.

Phelps will attend the chancery clerk’s conference in July.

The claims docket came to $1,344,022, she said.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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